Substance Designer Materials

Substance Designer Materials

In order to create the materials for the outfit, I decided to utilise Substance Designer to create procedural tile-able textures.

I found that Designer has a pretty good built in node called 'Weave Generator' which offers a selection of tile-able weave patterns within the one node, with masks for each. This gave a good starting point for the weaves. However, for the Herringbone Twill pattern, I made a generator instead as I could get more control over how it looked.

Below are some screenshots of the materials and graphs in Substance Designer. The good thing about using Designer and Unreal is that the materials can quickly be adjusted and exported to Unreal using a plugin, meaning tweaking is easy.

Weave Generator Node:

Plain Weave:

2x2 Twill:

Fuzzy Wool:

Herringbone Twill:

Here I experimented will blending two Designer Materials together to create a more interesting effect with more breakup and variation.


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